    关键词  功率放大器   行为模型  多项式  非线性  记忆效应
    Title       Study of Power Amplifier Behavior Models                                          

    RF power amplifier is the most important part of the transmitter of modern wireless communication system, and its performance influences the quality and efficiency of communication in great degree.  Most of the power amplifier models and linearization methods are confined to the narrow-band applications, which therefore leads to poor linearity compensation effect of traditional power amplifiers linearization methods when the signal bandwidth grows and memory effect of power amplifier increases. In order to improve the linearity of the broadband power amplifier, studys of the power amplifier models with memory effect and linear method become the new trend in recent years.
    This article first describes the nonlinear characteristics of the power amplifier and memory effect characteristics as well as various power amplifier behavioral models, and then select the memory polynomial model, the memory polynomial model and Volterra series simplified model for the study, respectively, to study the mathematical structure of several behavioral models, measurements, and model parameter extraction process, and ultimately the several acts of modeling accuracy compared and evaluated, and the results made.
    Keywords  Power amplifier  Behavioral model  Polynomial  
              Nonlinear  Memory effect
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  功率放大器行为模型研究的目的与意义    1
    1.2  功率放大器行为模型的研究现状    1
    1.3  功率放大器行为模型的应用与优点及建模过程简介    2
    1.4  本文的内容安排    5
    2  射频功率放大器的特性    6
    2.1  功率放大器的非线性特性分析    6
    2.2  功率放大器的记忆效应分析    7
    2.3  解决功放非线性特性和记忆效应的模型简述    8
    3  射频功率放大器的行为模型    11
    3.1  无记忆多项式模型    11
    3.2  有记忆的多项式模型    15
    3.3  Volterra级数简化模型    23
    4  四类功放行为模型的比较和评估    30
    4.1  时域I/Q信号幅度图    30
    4.2  AM-AM和AM-PM图    30
    4.3  频谱图    31
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