


    毕业论文关键词  心电信号,信号处理,仿真,显示


    Title   The design of ECG detection display device      

    Abstract Heart disease has become the one of major disease,which does harm to human health.According to statistics,cardiovascular disease is the major disease of threatening human life.The death rate of heart disease still takes the first place around the world,so the diagnose and treatment for cardiovascular disease is paid much attention by the medical circle around the world.Accurately extracting ECG signal and providing effective method of auxiliary analyses is a very meaningful task.Along with quick development of electronics technique,Medical electron monitoring system has been applied to the clinical diagnosis in the recent years.

    ECG signal acquisition, data conversion module design and development beyond the ECG characteristics. Design a circuit for ECG acquisition, and then do the A / D conversion, make the frequency of ECG sampling requirements to achieve.  ECG signal is a low frequency signal, because ECG is taken directly from the human body, so the process of ECG acquisition inevitably mixed with a variety of interference signals. In order to obtain Low noise ECG signal, we need to do noise reduction of the collected ECG signal. Now, there are many ways to do the noise reduction of the ECG signal, this article introduce how to separate noise from signal using the filter.

    Keywords  ECG signal acquisition, Signal processing,Simulation,display

    1  绪论  1

    1.1  心电信号采集和分析系统的发展历史 … 1

    1.2  心电信号采集分析系统的研究现状  2

    2  研究基础  3

    2.1  人体心电信号的产生机理  3

    2.2  体表心电图及心电信号的特征分析  3

    2.3  心电信号的噪声来源   5

    2.4  导联体系分析 … 5

    3  硬件电路设计  6

    3.1  心电信号采集电路的设计要求  6

    3.2  心电采集显示电路总体框架 … 7

    3.3  前置放大电路设计 … 7

    3.4  带通滤波电路设计 … 12

    3.5  50Hz带阻滤波器设计 … 17

    3.6  显示电路设计  18

    3.7  硬件电路设计的补充说明  23

      4  软件部分设计  23

      4.1  程序编译环境 … 24

      4.2  设计流程  24

      4.3  C语言程序代码  24

      5  系统仿真与调试 … 31

      5.1  硬件电路仿真结果 … 31

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