


    毕业论文关键词  图像分割,数学形态学,边缘检测,分水岭变换


    Title The  research  of image segmentation based on mathematical morphology 


    Vision is the most important sense of human perception .Image is the basis of vision.So in the field of computer vision, image segmentation has been attached more and more importance .In this paper,image processing algorithms are researched based on mathematical morphology.so,in this paper, we introduce origin of mathematics morphology from binary morphology to gray morphology and extensively study its different operators and quality. Then the image segmentation based on edge detection with morphology and region segmentation with morphology  are expounded in detail.

    Watershed is a generally used image segmentation tool recent years using the idea of mathematical morphology. This paper discusses researches the merit and demerit of watershed method when used in image segmentation, discusses the appearance of over.segmentation, and analyzes the reason of the over.segmentation. Specific to over.segmentation of the traditional method, this paper designs an multi.shape multi.scale structure compound filter using morphological structure elements to filter the noisy in images and retain unbroken detail information of images. Then use the traditional watershed method on the gradient images, as a preprocess step before watershed transform. The experiment results show that this algorithm can extract the target from natural background effectively ,and keep complete contour of the artificial target as well.

    Key words:image segmentation, mathematical morphology,edge detection,Watershed transform


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  背景和意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 2

    1.3  本文的主要工作 2

    2  数学形态学基本理论 3

    2.1  数学形态学的发展历史 3

    2.2  二值膨胀和腐蚀 4

    2.3  灰度形态学 6

    3  图像分割 8

    3.1  图像分割的定义 8

    3.2  基于边缘的分割技术 8

    3.3基于区域特征的分割 12

    3.4基于阈值的分割技术 15

    4  分水岭分割 17

    4.1  分水岭分割介绍

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