



    关键词:AT89C51单片机 模糊控制 单片机控制模块 芯片扩展

    Title  Blanket Control Based on Fuzzy Control System Design                                     


    The rapid development of the single-chip technology, the application of single-chip temperature control applications have become the focus of growing concern, the other single-chip with high integration, good performance, large capacity, low power consumption, the advantages of cheap, so the systemthe electric blanket control system based on fuzzy control is adopted.

    The paper is pided into hardware system simulation and software system design of two parts. To hardware design to introduce MCU basic principles and its basic single-chip control module, the buttons to set the module temperature acquisition module, LCD display and indicator module, temperature control and alarm modules circuit design. The software part of the main use of assembly language programming.

    AT89C51 microcontroller and a variety of simple element design and measurement because this system is mainly used, so the system is relatively simple and inexpensive and very easy to implement and master chip extension is simple, can be applied to the same types of measurement occasions.

    Keywords:AT89C51 microcontroller  fuzzy control  single-chip control module  chip expansion

    目  次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1选题背景 1

    1.2研究内容及要求 2

    2 方案论证 3

    2.1 系统工作模块选择论证 3

    2.1.1 显示模块方案选择和论证 3

    2.1.2 键盘模块方案选择和论证 3

    2.1.3 温度传感器方案选择和论证 4

    2.2系统方案论证 4

    2.3温度控制方案说明 5

    3 系统硬件电路设计 5

    3.1单片机的历史及现状 5

    3.2单片机控制模块 6

    3.2.1单片机内部结构 7

    3.2.2 8051的内部结构与引脚 8

    3.2.3单片机最小系统 10

    3.3键盘控制模块 11

    3.4温度采集模块 12

    3.4.1 DS18B20性能简介 12

    3.4.2 DS18B20结构简介 13

    3.4.3 DS18B20与单片机的接口电路

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