

    毕业论文关键词    热断层   Pennes传热模型   WJ传热模型  分层模型  点热源


    Title   The Research of the Key Technologies of Infrared Tomography for Medical                      



    Thermal tomographic imaging system is a kind of cell metabolism of human body tomographic heat distribution pattern to detect the depth of the heat source, shape, and thermal radiation imaging method values. This topic starting from the theory of heat transfer, heat transfer process on the human body for the forward and reverse analysis solution, draw the appropriate conclusions. Forward analysis, based on anatomy principle, the organization is pided into four logical: deep muscle tissue, superficial muscle tissue, fat, skin, using ANSYS software finite element model, combining pennes and WJ heat transfer model in different the tissue layer is applied to different loads, and the heat source does not exist at the point, and the presence of analyze, draw conclusions, and compare the merits of the model.

    Keywords  Thermal tomographic imaging     penens transfer model       

              WJ transger model   hierarchical model   point heat source


    1 引言… 1

    1.1 医学背景…  1

    1.2 研究发展概况   2

    1.3 本论文的主要工作… 4

    2 生物热传递过程的物理分析 … 5

    2.1传热学解析  5

    2.2 正向求解…  7

    2.3 逆向求解…  7

    3 热传递模型建立与仿真… 12

    3.1 Ansys介绍 12

    3.2 建模过程   13

    3.3 仿真过程… 17

    3.4 结果分析… 27

    结论…  28

    致谢…  29 

    参考文献 …    30

    1 引言



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