

    毕业论文关键词  红外图像;可见光图像;图像配准;特征提取;互信息(MI)

    Title  Infrared and visible light image registration


    As an important class of multi-source image registration methods, Infrared and visible image registration have a wide range of applications in remote sensing, medical, military applications, robotics and other fields. Infrared and visible image registration is defined as the different sensors with two or more images registering in geometric relations, and its purpose is to remove or suppress a variety of geometric deformation, and, most importantly, a strict registration on grayscale. Aiming at the various studies of multi-source image registration method, the simulation experiment is carried out by the current representative image registration method – the registration method based on Harris’s corner feature, the feature registration algorithm base on SURF and the maximum mutual information registration method on grayscale. And then their registration accuracy and speed is compared, and the advantages and disadvantages of each method is analyzed.

    Keywords  Infrared image   Visible light image    Image registration  Feature extraction    Mutual information (MI)




    1  引言 1

    1.1  图像配准技术的研究内容和意义 1

    1.2  图像配准技术的国内外现状和难题 2

    1.3  本文的研究工作 4

    2  图像配准基本理论 5

    2.1  图像配准原理 5

    2.2  图像配准技术的基本框架 8

    2.3  图像配准技术的方法分类 9

    2.4  红外与可见光图像各自的特点和区别 12

    3  本文关于红外与可见光图像配准问题的方法研究 13

    3.1  基于Harris角点的红外与可见光图像配准方法 14

    3.2  基于surf的匹配方法 19

    3.3 基于最大互信息的配准方法 24

    4  实验结果及其分析 27

    4.1  实验结果 27

    4.2  实验分析 31

    结论 33

    致谢 34

    参考文献 35

    1  引言

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