


    干扰对齐的关键在于能够达到最大的自由度。文章先分析了我们经常使用的干扰管理方法,并且建立了系统模型;然后用具体的例子分析干扰对齐的含义,同时重点分析证明了 时干扰信道的自由度;最后,基于简单的信道仿真,得到干扰对齐可行性的结论。

    毕业论文关键词  干扰对齐  自由度  信道容量  干扰信道


    Title               Interference Alignment                                    


    Abstract Over the past decade, information and communication technology and its applications have been developed rapidly. With the optimization of the  wireless access environment, we are also faced with the more complex  wireless communication. There is always serious interference between the channels.

    In this paper, we research the interference alignment(IA) schemes. The signal space is pided into two portions,one of which is the desired signal space and the other is the interference signal space. Through the pre-coding technique, the interference overlaps at the receiver, thereby compressing the signal interference space. As a result, we can increase the channel capacity.

    The key point of interference alignment(IA) is to achieve the maximum degree of freedom. Firstly, we research some interference management schemes and then establish a system model. Secondly, we use specific examples to show the meaning of interference alignment(IA). The paper focuses on the degree of freedom of the interference channel when  . Finally, based on simple simulations, we draw a conclusion of the feasibility about interference alignment(IA).

    Keywords  Interference Alignment  Degree of Freedom  Channel Capacity Interference Channel

    目  次

    1  绪论1

    1.1  研究背景…1

    1.2  现状和发展1

    1.3  研究意义和目的3

    1.4  论文研究内容和章节安排3

    2  系统模型5

    2.1  系统模型建立…5

    2.2  自由度定义6

    3 干扰对齐的一般例子…7

    3.1  通过延迟偏移实现干扰对齐…7

    3.2  特殊干扰信道的干扰对齐8

    4  干扰信道的自由度11

    4.1   时定理1的证明…11

    4.2   时定理1的证明…16

    4.3  3用户干扰信道的自由度域…17

    4.4  自由度上界值的说明 …18

    4.5  多天线干扰信道的自由度…20

    4.5.1  多天线、常系数的3用户干扰信道20

    4.5.2  定理3的证明…20

    4.5.3  多天线的用户干扰信道…24

    5  干扰对齐仿真25

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