


    关键词   图像采集 FPGA SDRAM 图像处理 模块

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title      A design of a image acquisition program  on the high-speed FPGA platform                                

    Abstract Image acquisition and processing system is a equipment used to capture the image and the character of the objective world, which is mainly to complete the image’s signal acquisition, processing, storage and other functions. In today's industrial, the image acquisition and processing system is widely used in military, medical and other fields. The image processing system, based on the field programmable gate array FPGA, is getting increasingly both people's attention and research. The FPGA has a highly flexibility of dynamic configuration, with an advantage of high speed processing portability. All this make it very suitable for real-time video image processing.

    This paper analyzes the principles, data communication characteristics and requirements of design in the different functional modules in this system. On this basis, I design a real-time video acquisition system, based on ITU656 and I2C data transfer, by using Altera's Cyclone series chip. At last, the video capture system was functional debugged and verificated. The result shows that the system can meet the requirements of high-speed image capture function. It can display on the screen real-time, and can provide the conditions for the subsequent image processing.

    Keywords  Image capture ,FPGA, SDRAM, Image processing, Module

    目    次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1    课题研究背景 1

    1.2    研究现状 2

    1.2.1图像采集的现状及发展 2

    1.2.2 FPGA的优势 3

    1.3本课题主要工作 4

    2 系统方案介绍 5

    2.1    系统软硬件的选择 5

    2.1.1系统硬件选择 5

    2.1.2 软件开发平台 6

    2.2系统总体方案 6

    3 系统硬件结构 8

    3.1 图像采集系统框架 8

    3.2 FPGA中央控制器 8

    3.3 视频编解码模块

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