
    摘要随着微电子技术的飞速发展及后PC 时代的到来,嵌入式芯片被广泛运用到消费、汽车、电子、微控制、无线通信、数码产品、网络设备、安全系统等领域。本文研究了基于嵌入式Linux的视频采集与显示技术。65150

    本文首先介绍了嵌入式系统的发展状况和发展趋势;阐述了硬件平台的构成,包括TQ2440 ARM9开发板、USB摄像头、PC机、SD卡;构建了基于linux操作系统的嵌入式开发环境,包括交叉编译器的安装、NFS的安装与启动、开发板从NFS启动。并在此硬件与软件平台上编写出了基于V4L2和framebuffer的视频采集程序,实现了将外界图像通过USB摄像头采集到SD中及将采集到的图像显示到LCD上,通过不断的刷新采集到的图像,实现了LCD实时显示摄像头采集到的图像。在完成程序编写的基础上,运行并调试了程序,给出了程序运行的结果。

    毕业论文关键词  V4L2  framebuffer  NFS  嵌入式系统  交叉编译器


    Title    The Development of Video Capture Program Based on    S3C2440 Development Board                                              

    Abstract With the rapid development of microelectronics technology and the post-PC era, embedded chips are widely applied to consumer, automotive, electronics, micro-control, wireless communications, digital products, network equipment, security systems and other fields. This paper discussed video capture and display technology based on embedded Linux.

    This paper describes the development of embedded system conditions and trends; describes the composition of hardware platforms, including TQ2440 ARM9 development board, USB webcams, PC machine, SD card; build a Linux-based operating system for embedded development environment, including cross-compiler installation, NFS installation and startup, development board from NFS boot. And based on this hardware and software platform to write out the V4L2 and framebuffer video collection program, achieved the external images via USB camera capture to SD medium and the collected image displayed on the LCD, by constantly refresh collected images to achieve real-time display of the capture images on LCD . Upon completion of programming, Ran and debugged the program, and given the results of running.

    Keywords  V4L2  framebuffer  NFS  embedded systems  cross-compiler


    目  次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  本论文研究背景 1

    1.2  研究现状与发展趋势 2

    1.3  本文主要研究内容 5

    2  嵌入式系统的硬件平台 6

    2.1  硬件平台概述 6

    2.2  USB摄像头 6

    2.3  ARM开发板 7

    2.4  计算机 8

    3  开发环境的构建 10

    3.1  交叉编译器的安装 10

    3.2  NFS的安装与启动 12

    3.3  设置开发板从NFS启动Linux 14

    4  视频采集程序的开发 17

    4.1  图像的采集

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