

    毕业论文关键词   鉴相器 I/Q鉴相方法  信号采样  TMS320F2812芯片


    Title   The Research of Digital I / Q Phase Detector Technology                         


    The phase detector is able to identify the phase difference of the input signal of the device, the output voltage and the phase difference between two input signals has a definite relationship between the nature of a circuit with a sample. The phase locked loop is one of the basic components, and the phase-modulated signal is also used for FM demodulation. Common characteristics cosine phase, serrated and triangular type. Phase can be pided into analog phase detector and the digital phase detector two kinds. The original phase uses analog I / Q circuit, digital circuit technology with the development of the function of the analog phase detector can be done using digital technology, so the phase detector technology can also be high-speed sampling, implemented in the digital circuit. Digital phase detector has a convenient debugging, implementation and simple. First, based on Matlab for analog I / Q circuit theory validated and the error analysis; thus completes the sampling methods and the use of digital I / Q phase; Finally, the digital I / Q phase method is applied to CCS, using TMS320F2812 DSP chip for programming and debugging, to achieve the purpose of the phase. From the basic theory and software simulation level, introduced the design process and debug procedures.

    Keywords  phase detector  I/Q  phase method  Signal samplingChip TMS320F2812


    1、绪论 1

    1.1 鉴相器的技术概论 1

    1.2 鉴相器的分类 1

    1.2.1模拟鉴相器 1

    1.2.2数字鉴相器 2

    1.3 国内外现状 3

    1.4 研究的内容 4

    2、鉴相器的原理及设计方案 4

    2.1 鉴相器的原理 4

    2.1.1模拟鉴相器 5

    2.1.2.数字鉴相器 8

    2.2 模拟I/Q方法的鉴相原理及误差分析 10

    2.3 数字I/Q方法的鉴相原理及误差分析 12

    3、鉴相器的MATLAB理论仿真 15

    3.1  MATLAB的基本知识 15

    3.2模拟I/Q鉴相器的验证 15

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