

    毕业论文关键词  射频电路  混频器  单平衡无源混频器  ADS  设计仿真


    Title   ADS-based RF mixer design                            



    Information age led to the rapid development of communication technology, communications, electronics, increasing use of RF and microwave circuits for industrial production, the industrial sector eyeing high-frequency circuits.As a high-frequency circuit mixer system is an important component of the process of the entire circuit ,and also plays an important role in processing.The quality of the mixer directly affects the performance of the circuit. This article describes in some detail the mathematical principles of the mixer and performance specifications, and according to the device or structural classification. This paper systematically studied the single-balanced passive mixer. According to design specifications given topic, design simulation using ADS software to meet the reservation target, and simulation results are appropriate analysis.

    Keywords  RF circuits  mixer  single-balanced mixers  ADS  Design and Simulation

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景 1

    1.2  混频器发展前景 2

    1.3  本文所采用的研究方法 3

    1.4  本文的主要工作 4

    2  混频器的工作原理及选型 5

    2.1  混频器工作原理 5

    2.2  混频器主要技术指标 6

    2.2.1  变频增益 6

    2.2.2  端口隔离度 7

    2.2.3  噪声系数 7

    2.2.4  线性范围 8

    2.3  混频器分类及选型 9

    2.4  单平衡无源混频器数学推导 10

    2.5  本章小结 11

    3  混频器模块设计与仿真 11

    3.1  基本混频器电路 11

    3.2  输入匹配电路设计 12

    3.3  本章小结 16

    4  定向耦合器模块设计 17

    4.1  定向耦合器原理

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