
    摘要数字图像处理是一门受到广泛关注的学科, 它是指将图像信号转换成数字信号并利用计算机对其进行处理的过程,计算机硬件的发展,使得数字图像的实时处理已经成为可能。这是一门新兴的技术, 涉及光学、电子学、数学、摄影技术、计算机技术等众多学科。图像增强是按照特定的要求突出一幅图像中的某些信息,同时削弱或去除某些不需要的信息处理方法。本文主要是研究基于数学形态学的数字图像增强法,在MATLAB的数字图像处理环境下,利用最基本的形态学运算——膨胀,腐蚀,开,闭及其组合来进行图像形状和结构的分析及处理,可以解决抑制噪声、特征提取、边缘检测,对比度增强等方面的问题。同时,还将传统的数字图像增强方法与本文中的方法进行了对比,更加突出了本文方法的优势。66202



    Title   Image Enhancement Based on Mathematical Morphology                          


    Digital image processing is a widely followed discipline, it means a process which can convert image signal into digital signal and use the computer to deal with it .With the development of computer hardware,the real-time digital image processing has become possible. This is an emerging technology, involving optics,electronics,mathematics,photography,computer technology and many other disciplines. Image enhancement is a technology which will highlight certain information in an image in accordance with the requirements , and also weaken or remove some unwanted information. In this paper,we mainly study image enhancement based on mathematical morphology.Under the MATLAB environment, we use the basic morphological operation involving erosion, dilation, opening, closing and their combination for image’s structure analysis. So we can restrain the noise ,extract the feature , detect the edge , improve contrast and so on. At the same time, we also contrast the traditional digital image enhancement methods with the method of this paper , which will highlight the advantages of this method.

    Keywords:Digital image processing,Image Enhancement, MATLAB  Mathematical Morphology  


                             目  次  

    1  引言 1

    1.1 数字图像处理技术的历史背景 1

    1.2 课题研究的目的和意义 1

    1.3 研究现状 2

    2 数字图像处理简介 4

    2.1 数字图像简介 4

    2.2 数字图像处理概述 4

    2.3  MATLAB与数字图像处理 6

    3 数字图像增强技术 11

    3.1 图像增强的基本概述 11

    3.2 空间域增强 12

    3.2 频率域增强 16

    4 数学形态学介绍 17

    4.1 数学形态学基本概念 17

    4.2 数学形态学基本运算

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