

    本文介绍了RFID的概念、发展历程、ISO技术标准和EPC Global技术标准。同时了解了阅读器的结构组成、工作原理以及相关功能等知识以及设计中的难点。



    毕业论文关键词:RFID;AT89S51; CCll00; 阅读器

    Title  Design of RFID reader                                                       


    Radio Frequency Identification(RFID),as this century’s most promising

    information technologies,has been attached great importance to the global industry.RFID represents a noncontact method for data transfer in object identification, has the advantages of high accuracy and ability to adapt to the environment, strong anti-jamming,fast operation and so on.

    This article describes the meaning of the RFID,the development process of the RFID,ISO technical standards and technical standards for EPC Global. At the same time, the composition, reader structure working principle and related functions etc. knowledge and the design of the difficulties.

    The research problem has designed a simple and inexpensive RFreader, using AT89S51 and radio frequency transceiver CC1100.Specifically, the overall circuit diagram design reader, reader's main part design circuit diagram, the program flow chart is given, and programming the microcontroller, to complete some functions.

    In this paper, through the understanding of performance parameters and working principle of AT89S51 and RF transceiver CC1100, familiar with the characteristics of each device, using the general circuit diagram of DXP2004 design of RF reader, schematic design reader core circuit. At the same time, programming the AT89S51 chip, the design and Simulation of programming control and data transmission of the CC1100 transceiver.

    Analysis on the overall performance of the reader and suggestions for improvement

    Keywords:RFID; AT89S51;CC1100;Reader

    目   次

    1  概述1

    1.1  选题意义1

    1.2  RFID简介1

    1.3  阅读器的概述2

    1.4  本文主要研究工作及论文的主要功能4

    2  阅读器工作原理4

    2.1  阅读器工作原理4

    2.2  相关标准6

    3  RFID阅读器电路设计8

    3.1  RFID阅读器电路总体框图8

    3.2  RFID阅读器电路原理图11

    3.3  电路仿真验证12

    4  RFID阅读器软件设计14

    4.1  配置CC110014

    4.2  串行口通信程序18

    4.3  阅读器与标签通信19

    4.4  标签与阅读器通信21

    4.5  标签命令22

    4.6  阅读器访问标签步骤23

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