
    摘要:角点作为图像处理当中重要的点,因其能够比较完整地刻画出图像的特点,并且在目标跟踪、目标识别、图像配准与匹配等计算机领域起着非常重要的作用,因此对角点检测的意义就十分重大。与之传统的角点检测算法相比,SUSAN算法是一种基于图像局部灰度特征的算法,该算法具有着检测速度快、抗噪能力强等诸多优点。本文主要介绍SUSAN算法原理,并做了角点的提取,在此基础上又进行了MATLAB仿真。针对可能涉及的人为干扰以及某些特殊型角点检测会失败的情况,对此也做了改进,试验表明, 改进的算法进一步地提高了检测的准确性。68349


    Abstract:The angular point, as an important point of image processing, owing to that it is able to depict characteristics of images relatively completely and plays an important role in computer field with reference to target tracking, target recognition, image registration and matching, has great impact on the diagonal point detection. Compared with the traditional corner detection algorithm, SUSAN algorithm is an algorithm based on local gray level image feature, which owns various merits, such as fast speed of the detection, strong ability to resist noise and so on. This thesis mainly introduces the principle of SUSAN algorithm and the angular point extraction is made, which are treated as the basis of the MATLAB simulation later. Factors, for example, human-made disturbance and some special types of corner detection, are improved in this experiment, demonstrating that the improved algorithm further raises the precision of detection.

    Keywords: SUSAN ,corner detection, algorithm for edge detection, matlab


    1  绪论 8

    1.1  角点检测研究背景及意义 8

    1.1.1  研究背景 8

    1.1.2  研究意义 8

    1.2  角点检测研究现状 8

    1.3  论文的主要工作 10

    2  角点检测的原理及方法 11

    2.1  Moravec角点检测 11

    2.2  Harris角点检测 11

    2.3  SUSAN角点检测 11

    2.3.1  SUSAN算法原理 11

    2.3.2  SUSAN算法检测步骤 13

    2.3.3  SUSAN算法的实现 14

    3  算法的评析 16

    3.1  算法改进 16

    3.1.1  阈值和比较函数的自适应选取 16

    3.1.2  二圆环模板检测复杂角点 17

    3.2  检测步骤 19

    结论 20

    参考文献 21

    致谢 22

    附录 23

    1  绪论

    1.1  角点检测研究背景及意义


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