    摘要随着中国的改革开放,中美之间的文化交流变得越来越频繁,中美文化存在差异,甚至冲突。美国的个人主义常被人误解,有时甚至会把美国的个人主义曲解成自私和自利,一切以自身为中心。个人主义作为一种意识形态和价值观 ,是美国人生活的主导价值观,已发展成为美国文化的核心。正确客观地认识美国个人主义十分必要,在对美国个人主义的产生和历史渊源分析的基础上,以《老友记》为研究对象,探讨个人主义在美国日常生活中的具体体现,以期增进我们对美国文化更深的了解。39561
    Abstract With China’s reforming and opening up, the cultural exchange between China and American is becoming more and more frequent. There are many differences between Chinese and American culture. American inpidualism is often misunderstood by us. Sometimes it is defined as selfish inpidualism and self-interest. Inpidualism, as a kind of ideology and values, is the leading values of American life, which has already developed into the core of American culture. It is necessary to know the American inpidualism objectively. Based on the analysis of the appearance and historical reason of inpidualism in Friends, this paper explores the vividly embodiment of inpidualism in Americans’ daily lives taking Friends as research subject.
    Key words: inpidualism;American;Friends American Inpidualism in Friends
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. American Inpidualism    1
    2.1 Concept of the Inpidualism    1
    2.2 The Misconception of Inpidualism    2
    2.2.1 Isolation    2
    2.2.2 Balance    3
    2.3The Conception of American Inpidualism    3
    III. American Inpidualism in Friends    6
    3.1 The Valuation of Friends    6
    3.2 Family Relationship    7
    3.3Inpidualism in Career    8
    3.4 Inpidualism in Love and Marriage    9
    IV. The Evaluation of American Inpidualism    10
    V. Conclusion    11
    Bibliography    12
    Acknowledgements    13
    I. Introduction

    Friends is one of a American sitcoms which is so popular around the world. It was originally broadcast from 1994 to 2004.It has been won several Emmy Award nominations and several awards. This show is mainly about the friendship of six young peoples living together in New York. They rely on themselves to pursue careers, love and happiness. With china’s reforming and opening up, a number of person to begin to touch the American show.
    The Unite State is a largest economic and military power nation, even though its history is only two hundred years. As we all know, Inpidualism is an important part of the American spirit. It has also been a core values since the 20th century. Inpidualism has influenced all the fields of politics and society.
     There are five parts in all. The first part is a general introduction. The second part will fully introduce what the inpidualism is and the importance of inpidualism on the politics and society of American. The following part will introduce the inpidualism in Friends. The nest part fully discusses the evaluation inpidualism. The last part is the conclusion of the paper.

    II. American Inpidualism
    2.1 Concept of the Inpidualism
    Believing the virtues of self-reliance and personal independence is very important for the Unite States. The inpidualism stresses “the moral worth of the inpidual” from the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlook and other fields. Inpidualists promote to pursuit their goals and desires. So they adhere to independence and self-reliance while opposing most external interference upon one’s own interests, no matter they pass through the society or any other group and institution.   
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