


    Abstract: Due to the frequent migration of the Yellow River, it had remarkable  influence on Huai River basin for many times. Five years after Emperor Jiajing taking the crown, the situation had formed that Yellow River made inroads into Huai River basin and in which case natural water system of Huai River was disturbed. For the Ming and Qing dynasties, Jinghang Grand Canal played a significant role in fixing the economy. Since the Yellow River began to affect the Huan River basin, it gradually helped to build the Jinghang Gand Canal. The reach from Huaian to Xuzhou was a component of Jinghang Grand Canal and its water source mainly came from Yellow River. To ensure abundant water in this reach and the stability of watercourse, and to avoid sediment of riverbed, many experts dealing with river regulation at that time put forward a series of solutions. The river management is closely connected with confirmed shipment, so river flowing was the precondition of water transportation. In order to resolve the tough problems of water transportation during Pizhou and Suqian in Ming and Qing dynasties, the governments strengthened the management of Luoma lake and made certain achievements. Lake began to be made used of to help improve the water transportation. The whole thing improved a lot when the water conservancy expert Pan Jixun, who put forward the strategy that building banks to control flood and using water to clean deposits. Thanks to this strategy, the unblocked water transportation was guaranteed. At the same time, to prevent the flood of the Yellow River and its negative effects in Qing dynasty, during Emperor Kangxi’s governance, a new canal was opened and these problems were effectively solved by building solid embankment. After the new canal was opened and used to serve as a new channel, it gave rise to the separation of the Yellow River and the canal. 

    Key words: Late Ming dynasty and Qing Dynasty; Yellow River and Canal; Luoma Lake; Middle Canal

    一 相关学术史回顾 6

    二 黄河入泗夺淮与借黄济运 7

    三 明末清初邳州、宿迁段运河河道治理 8

    (一)明代骆马湖的形成与疏浚治理 8

    (二)清初骆马湖的治理 9


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