    摘要:1966 年, 英籍华人高锟提出石英纤文作为新型通信媒质开启了光纤通信时期 。伴随着信息化时代的到来,光纤通讯技术的发展越来越突显出其不可替代的作用,而光纤传输对于光纤通信技术又有着举足轻重的作用。然而,光信号在光纤中传输的过程中会伴随着色散和损耗,它们是影响光纤传输的两个重要因素。光信号在光纤中传输时,伴随传输距离增加,不同成分的光在传输时,时延也不同从而引起的脉冲展宽的现象,这种现象就叫做光纤的色散。色散[1]影响着光纤的带宽, 而带宽决择着光纤传输信息容量的大小 。当光纤传输信息量增大, 光纤的色散就会增长, 这将会致使光纤传输的误码率增大。本文讨论了光信号在色散光纤中的传输特性, 并简述了现今色散补偿技术及其发展方向。38359
    毕业论文关键词:光纤损耗  光纤色散  色散补偿
    Optical signal transmission characteristics of the dispersion fiber
    Abstract: In 1966, Charles K. Kao proposed using quartz fiber as a new communications medium opened ,the era of fiber-optic communications. With the advent of the information age, the development of optical communication technology increasingly highlighted its irreplaceable role, and optical transmission technology for fiber optic communication  has a pivotal role. However, the optical signal transmitted  will be accompanied by fiber dispersion and loss, they are two important factors affecting the optical fiber transmission. When optical signal transmitted in fiber, along with the transmission distance increasing, the light of different components in transmission, delays are caused by different pulse stretching so wide phenomenon, which is called the fiber dispersion. Dispersion on the bandwidth of the fiber, while the bandwidth determines the size of the optical fiber transmission information capacity. When the optical fiber transmission amount of information increases, the fiber dispersion will increase, which will result in the error rate optical fiber transmission increasing. This paper studies the optical signal transmission characteristics of the dispersion in the fiber, and introduced modern technology and its development direction of dispersion compensation.
    Keywords:Fiber loss  fiber dispersion  Dispersion Compensation
    目录    3
    1绪论    5
    1.1 光纤色散的概述    5
    1.2 光纤色散的分类    5
    1.2.1波长色散    5
    1.2.2 模式色散    7
    1.2.3偏振模色散    7
    2光信号在光纤中的传输特性    7
    2.1损耗特性    8
    2.1.1吸收损耗    8
    2.1.2散射损耗    9
    2.1.3辐射损耗    10
    2.2色散特性    10
    2.2.1群速度与群时延[5]    11
    2.2.2光脉冲色散展宽[6]    11
    2.2.3光脉冲的色散啁啾效应    12
    3色散及损耗的测量    12
    3.1色散的测量    12
    3.1.1相移测量法    13
    3.1.2干涉测量法    14
    3.2损耗的测量    14
    4 色散的补偿    15
    4.1后补偿技术    15
    4.2预补偿技术    15
    4.3在线补偿技术    16
    4.4色散补偿技术的发展方向[13]    17
    5结束语    18
    参考文献    19
      1.1 光纤色散的概述
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