

    本文通过实验检测获取肝癌小鼠和健康小鼠血清的荧光光谱,研究其谱线结构特征及其与肿瘤的相关性。主要分析了激发光波长为280 nm的光谱数据,所研究的光谱曲线在300-400 nm波段具有展宽的单峰曲线型结构。





    Title A study in wavelength of 280nm laser excitation fluorescence spectra obtained by the serum of liver cancer in mice


    Cancer is a challenge in the medical field. Diagnosis of incipient cancer is of great significance. With high sensitivity, high speed and relatively simple acquisition and processing of sample, fluorescence spectrum is an effective method in the analysis of material composition and molecular structure. The detection and analysis methods of fluorescence spectra into the tumor detection are of high hopes, however there are some difficulties to be solved.

    This assay, the fluorescence spectra of the serum of healthy mice and liver cancer in mice, analysis of the characteristics of its spectrum under different excitation wavelength of peak fluorescence intensity and peak frequency shift changes in the relationship. Excitation wavelength of 280 nm spectral data, the study of spectral curves in the 300-400 nm band broadening unimodal structure.

    The results of this study showed that the single- peak curve configuration and tumor growth in mice inoculated in the number of days was significantly associated with tumor inoculation showed the growth of a single peak of the fluorescence spectrum curve linear contours tilted towards shorter wavelengths , the peak wavelength ( peak ) to a significant shift shorter wavelength ( blue shift ); thesis presents the peak wavelength shift amount and the first derivative of the integral index quantifies the  "tilt " method , statistical analysis of the experimental data showed that, this peak position offset and a credit derivative indices are able to react in a certain level of quantification mouse tumor occurrence and development process, and a derivative score index greater dynamic range , the quantization effect is more pronounced , more suitable for tumorigenesis discriminant.

    Methods and results of this study can be for the further development of new cancer diagnostic methods and technology to provide a valuable reference

    Keyword: serum, fluorescence spectrum, cancer, first derivative, integral exponential  


    1 引言 3

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