




    毕业论文关键词  全景成像技术,微透镜记录阵列,Radon变换法


    Title    On the Correction of the Images Captured by the  Microlens Array                                             


    Integral Imaging is a three-dimensional imaging technology which haves the lens array as its core optical device and can be achieved under non-coherent light. It is a kind of true 3D technology. It can generate continuous images and the viewers do not need to wear special observation equipment which makes it one of the most promising true auto stereoscopic three-dimensional display technology. Based on the introduction about this technology, this paper focuses on the correction of the images and includes following aspects:

    Firstly, to obtain the recorded images, we use the Ray-tracer software POV-Ray to simulate a model of microlens array and a 3D view. At the same time we should build the imaging system according to the optical principles. By using this system, we can simulate the deflecting angle of the CCD and the recording array which could be used as the simulated image to test the arithmetic.

    Secondly, this paper analyses the reasons that may course the errors in the real shooting process. Due to the angle errors, we propose the pre-processing method of captured integral image based on Radon Transform algorithm which can be used to detect the deflection angle of the grid lines and access to deflection angle of the recorded images.

    Finally, because of the problem that the grid lines in the real captured image are much more difficult to be detected, we propose the some improvements based on the Radon Transform algorithm. One is about the partial derivative of Radon Transform and the other one is the combination of the Radon Transform and the edge detection method. To verified the improved methods, we add radon noise to the simulated images and use them to test the new processing method. 

    Keywords: Integral Imaging; Microlens array; Radon transform

    目   次

    1 绪论1

    1.1 三维显示技术简介1

    1.2 全景图像技术1

    1.2.1 全景成像技术的发展过程1

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