


    毕业论文关键词  微观表面形貌,干涉显微镜,粗糙度,相移干涉测量法


    Title         The overall designing of white-light    profilometer system                     

    Abstract The micro-surface profiles of optical elements have a direct influence on the system's performance and precision.There are many methods for micro-surface profile measurement,of which the optical interference method with advantages of high precision,high speed and wide measurement range has a broad application.This dissertation presents a Mirau type interference microscope we have developed which achieves the measurement of micro-surface.

        Based on phase-shift interferometry, short coherent interference LED imaging technology is studied, and the infinity optical system are analyzed,this dissertation optimizes the structure and circuit-control system, designing a set of optical, mechanical, circuit and algorithm integration combined with white-light profilometer , the system has certain stability and anti-interference ability.Proved by experiments, the profilometer system can accurately recover the surface profile of object to be tested. 

    Keywords:mirco—surface profile,  interference microscope,  roughness,  phase-shift interferometry

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.1.1 表面微观三维形貌检测的意义 1

    1.1.2 表面微观形貌测量技术 1

    1.1.3 表面微观形貌测量技术的研究现状和发展趋势 5

    1.2 研究意义和目标 6

    1.2.1 超光滑表面 6

    1.2.2 蓝宝石介绍 6

    1.2.3 蓝宝石衬底加工工艺 7

    1.2.4 蓝宝石衬底参数要求 7

    1.3 研究内容及思路 8

    2 白光轮廓仪的工作原理 9

    2.1 干涉显微镜的工作原理 9

    2.2干涉显微镜测量系统软件算法 10

    2.2.1 白光扫描干涉法(VSI) 10

    2.2.2 相移干涉测量法(PSI) 11

    2.3 移相器的工作原理 13

    2.3.1 压电陶瓷移相器介绍 13

    2.3.2 压电陶瓷移相器的原理 14

    2.4 表面粗糙度的评定 15

    2.5 本章小结 17 

    3 白光轮廓仪的整体系统设计 18

    3.1 系统的光路系统设计

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