

    毕业论文关键词   焦场   天文望远镜   反射面天线


    Title    Modeling and analysis of the field in the focal plane of the large reflecting surface                     


    Focal plane array technology can make full use of the provided information of the radio telescope with a reflecting surface. Radio   telescope in the direction of observation than a much larger exhibition flap source even several times to increase the observed velocity, so the focal plane array technology has been widely applied gradually to the modern radio telescope. In a large radio telescope, the rational allocation of focal plane array feed field distribution is a guiding significance. This article mainly introduced the under construction radio telescope, the largest radio telescope FAST in the world, for example using matlab software programming focusing surface field simulation modeling, the use of physical optics method to derive the incident plane wave is circularly polarized of, oblique incidence, the front focal plane of a parabolic antenna feed and the focal plane parallel to the electric field calculation. 

    Keywords  Focal field    telescope     Reflector antenna

    1  引言 1

    1.1 国内外对射电望远镜建造与运用情况的分析 1

    1.2  射电望远镜的简介 3

    2  FAST的介绍 5

    2.1  FAST科学目标 6

    2.2  FAST的系统构成 7

    2.3  建造FAST的意义 8

    3  反射面天线 9

    3.1  反射面天线的定义 10

    3.2  反射面天线的历史 10

    3.4  反射面天线的几何特性及工作原理 11

    4  软件介绍(Matlab) 14

    4.1  Matlab 的发展 14

    4.2  Matlab的优点 15

    4.3  Matlab的主要功能 16

    5  前馈抛物面天线的焦场分析 16

    5.1  计算公式简介 16

    5.2  MATLAB程序 19

    5.3  焦面场仿真计算 19

    结  论 24

    致  谢 25

    参考文献 26

     1  引言


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