


    毕业论文关键词  水汽结冰  航空  冰风洞  试验


    Title    Device of Water Vapor Freezes                


    Water vapor icing tend to give our production, life brought many inconveniences and even the economy, human losses. As water vapor freezes icing wind tunnel study of the basic ground equipment, is a national research capacity icing test an important manifestation. In particular in the aviation industry, aircraft icing of the aircraft's aerodynamic performance deterioration, lift decreases, the resistance increases, affect aircraft stability and control, aircraft wing icing will affect aircraft aerodynamic, or even result in plane crash. Icing wind tunnel can simulate aircraft flying at high altitude clouds in the state, This can be simulated through the ground by way of experiment study to improve the performance of the aircraft at high altitude and security. Based on the test requirements designed a closed reflux icing wind tunnel, and the influence of different conditions of icing wind tunnel test performance.

    Keywords  Water vapor freezes  Aviation  Ice tunnel   Tentative 

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  冰风洞概况 1

    1.2.1  冰风洞发展概况 1

    1.2.2  冰风洞介绍 2

    1.3  冰风洞试验研究 3

    1.3.1  结冰风洞研究的重要性 3

    2  结冰风洞总体设计 4

    2.1  风洞类型选取 4

    2.2  总体设计方案 4

    2.3  风洞系统 4

    2.3.1  风洞的主要组成部分以及其具体参数 4

    2.3.2  风洞主要技术参数 11

    2.3.3  结构方案 11

    2.3.4  结构简图 12

    2.4  喷雾系统(模拟造云系统) 12

    2.5  测量系统及动力控制系统 14

    2.5.1  测量系统 14

    2.5.2  控制系统 15

    2.6  制冷低温系统 15

    2.7  真空系统 16

    2.8  净化及加热系统 16

    2.9  空气系统 17

    2.10  水系统

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