

    毕业论文关键词  尘埃粒子计数器  激光尘埃粒子计数器传感器  光轴调节   辅助装置


    Title    the design for the optical axis adjustment  device of laser particle counter sensor                                           


    The dust particle counter is used to get the measurement of the discrete particle size and particle concentration in clean air in order to determine the clean room and clean environment cleanliness level of the instrument. The laser particle counter sensor is a core component of the laser particle counter, its performance is good or bad largely affects the performance of the overall quality of the counter. During assembly of the laser particle counter sensor, the optical axis adjustment process is a very important step. The accuracy of the optical axis adjustment will greatly affect the performance of the sensor,and the efficiency of the optical axis adjustment would affect the efficiency of the entire sensor assembly too.So it’s important to design an auxiliary device for laser particle counter sensor optical axis adjustment which can effectively improve the efficiency of the sensor optical axis adjustment and improve the consistency of the optical axis adjustment. This paper presents a design for the auxiliary device used for laser particle counter sensor optical axis adjustment.

    Keywords  Particle Counter   laser particle counter sensor   adjustment of optical axis    assistive devices

    目   次

    1 引言 1

    1.1  激光尘埃粒子计数器介绍  1

    1.2  本设计所针对的激光尘埃粒子计数器传感器介绍介绍 … 1

    1.3  调节光轴的必要性和重要性… 2

    1.4 本文的主要工作 2

    2  本设计光轴调节的基本原理  3

    3  设计所用软件介绍 4

    4  本设计详细说明  5

    4.1  激光尘埃粒子计数器传感器及CCD摄像头照片 5

    4.2  本设计各零件详细介绍说明 7

    4.2.1  传感器与CCD摄像头模型 7

    4.2.2  整个激光尘埃粒子计数器传感器光轴调节辅助调节装置示意图 8

    4.2.3  三种配合  9

    4.2.4  零件○1传感器固定座说明  9

    4.2.5  零件○2光筒说明  10

    4.2.6  零件○3光筒支架说明 11

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