

    毕业论文关键词  通风机  数值计算  特性曲线  合理工况


    Title  The design and programming of air flow measuring device                                             


    When the well-installed fan is tested, the relevant parameters can be measured at an appropriate location and condition. With the data uploaded through sensor and transmitter, the calculated results can be obtained by leading-in the EXCEL software for numerical calculation,which is based on GB/T1236-2000 (the property test with a standardized air duct in the industrial fan). With the corresponding conditions changed, the process of calculation is repeated and a set of results can be acquired,then the fan characteristic curve can be drawed according to the set of results. Through the analysis of characteristic curves, the condition when the fan run efficiently can be known, while the bad condition can be avoided. Meanwhile the fan characteristic curve can be used to supervise the production of fans, and it could be reasonable while designing and using fans.

    Keywords:  fan    calculation    the characteristic curve   reasonable condition


    1  引言 2

    1.1  背景 2

    1.2  目的和意义 2

    1.3  研究现状 3

    2  通风机性能试验装置 3

    2.1  装置简介 3

    2. 2  通风机安装 6

    2. 3 流量测量装置的选择 7

    3  参数测量 9

    3. 1  压力测量 9

    3. 2  温度测量 9

    3. 3  转速转矩测量 10

    4  自动采集测试系统 11

    4. 1  简介 11

    4. 2  仪器设备和软件 12

    5  计算过程 14

    5. 1  已知参数 14

    5. 2  计算过程 15

    6  数据处理 19

    6. 1 通风机性能试验曲线 19

    6. 2 最大容许误差 19

    6. 3  结果分析 21

    结  论 24

    致  谢 25

    参考文献 26

    1  引言

    1.1  背景

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