


    毕业论文关键词  装甲车辆  红外隐身  平板  自然条件  FLUENT  涂层  温度场


    Title   Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field of Plate  with Various Coatings in Nature Conditions                                                  


    The importance and principle of infrared stealth of armored vehicles are briefly introduced. A armored vehicle can be simplified into a plate to analyze the infrared radiation of its outer surface with various factors that affects the panzer’s infrared radiation and the radiation from the environment taken into consideration. The plate’s temperature field transformation in natural conditions is simulated using FLUENT.

    The FLUENT software is also briefly introduced. The calculation models, processes and boundary conditions involved are described. Infrared radiation of the whole plate in different seasons and of two different points on the plate in a certain day are mainly studied. A conclusion about the fittest coating of a panzer is drawn by analyzing and comparing the infrared radiation of plates with different coatings. The comparison of plates with various angles of tilt and different thickness in same environmental conditions and same coating is also made.

    Keywords  armored vehicles  infrared stealth  plate  natural conditions

    FLUENT  coating   temperature field 

    目  次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究的背景与意义 1

    1.2  红外隐身机理 1

    1.3  红外隐身技术的现状 2

    1.4  装甲车辆的红外隐身技术 2

    1.5  主要研究内容 4

    2  平板温度场模拟的理论基础和研究方法 4

    2.1  辐射换热 4

    2.2  对流换热 6

    2.3  导热 6

    3  平板温度场仿真数值方法 8

    3.1  控制方程 8

    3.2  控制方程的离散化 10

    4  FLUENT软件的使用 12

    4.1  FLUENT软件简介 12

    4.2  建立模型 14

    4.3  设置计算模型 15

    4.4  设置材料参数 16

    4.5  设置边界条件 16

    4.6  设置监控点

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