


    Abstract:Physics is not only a subject ,but also a great science. Learning knowledge alone will no longer do. Traditional physical education in our country pays more attention to imparting knowledge. In this situation, the students could master the knowledge of physics well. However, as the education reform further, the demand ever higher in solving practical or exploratory problems. And in the new physics curriculum standard, in addition to the certain requirements on knowledge, what it particular emphasizes is "the people-oriented". Morever, we can see that the research on inquiry learning questions is growing more and more according to change trend in the college entrance examination. Traditional education has been unable to meet the students’ needs of improving the ability. In order to deal with the physical problems concisely, people put complex actual situation into simple physical situation, thus forming some empirical rules, namely the establishment of physical model. This essay starts from concept,characteristics,and classification of the physical models.Then it introduces the different physical model teaching in different types of classes, as well as the roles and significance of physical models. At last, it introduces the ways to improve the students’ ability of constructing physical models.

    Keywords: physical models, the roles and significance, the physical model teaching

    目  录

    1  引言 4

    2  认识物理模型 4

    2.1  物理模型的概念 4

    2.2  物理模型的特性 5

    2.3  物理模型的分类 7

    3  在不同课型中的物理模型教学 8

    3.1  物理概念的模型教学 8

    3.2  物理规律的模型教学 8

    3.3  物理习题的模型教学 9

    4  物理模型在中学物理教学中的作用 10

    4.1  有利于培养学生正确的科学思维方法 10

    4.2  是教师传播知识和学生获取知识的桥梁 10

    4.3  有利于软化教学过程 10

    4.4  有利于促进学生能力的提高 11

    5  物理模型在中学教学中的意义

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