




    毕业论文关键词:探究性教学  探究能力  初中物理实验

    Junior Middle School Physics Study Exploring Experimental Teaching


    Since the 21st century, the rapid development of science and technology, countries pay more and more attention to the cultivation of talents, especially to explore innovative capacity. Because of this, as the basis of improving innovation ability, scientific inquiry ability is a top priority. In this paper, In this paper, we will use the literature method, observation method, interview method and experiment method to study the junior middle school physics inquiry experiment teaching.

    At first, this paper adopts the literature method to study the junior middle school physics study the importance of exploring experimental teaching and discussed, the research status and theoretical basis, then make research plan, and during the internship survey of the current junior middle school physics zetetic experiment teaching present situation and existing problems. According to the investigation and literature to enrich content of exploring experimental teaching junior high school physics, and put forward five examples teaching principles and strategies, highlight the subjectivity, the principle of openness, adaptability and strategy in this paper.

    The final version to the Scotsman arc four cases in the physical to make improvements, in order to improve the students' ability of scientific inquiry.

    The paper has a figure 7, table 6, 24 references.

    Key Words: exploratory teaching  exploring ability  junior middle school physics experiment


    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    图清单 V

    表清单 V

    1 初中物理探究性实验教学研究的重要性和研究状态 1

    1.1 初中物理探究性实验教学研究的重要性 1

    1.2 初中物理探究性实验教学研究的状态 1

    2 初中物理探究性实验教学研究的理论基础 4

    2.1 初中物理探究性实验教学的概念界定 4

    2.2 初中物理探究性实验教学研究的理论基础 5

    3 初中物理探究性实验教学研究的主要思路和方法 7

    3.1 初中物理探究性实验教学研究的思路 7

    3.2 初中物理探究性实验教学研究的主要方法

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