    Analysis on the Function of the Comments of the Netnews in Leading the Public --Take the Comments of the Netease for Instance
    Abstract:In the time of the high-speed development of information technology,the Comments of Netnews is becoming one of the most important things concerned by most large portal websites.To attract attention from the netizen and increase the click-through rate,many websites create their own column to comment the news.Under this new circumstance,Netease plays an important role among all the participants using its timeliness and interactivity during the process.What's more,the Netease has its own method carrying off its role in leading the public and affecting the way people look at things.However there still exists some problems in the Netease when leading the public opinion.To make the most use of the Comment of Netnews in leading the public ,we should find what the problem is and try to resolve it.
    Key Words:the Comments of the Netnews; Lead the Public Opinion; the Comments of the Netease
    目    录
    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、网络新闻评论及其舆论引导的功能    2
    (一)网络新闻评论的存在形态及其特点    2
    (二)网络新闻评论的舆论引导功能    3
    二、网易新闻评论引导舆论的方式    4
    (一)新闻跟帖是网易评论的主要方式,以“盖楼”回复为特色    4
    (二)删除或屏蔽负面评论,加强正面评论    5
    (三)聘请热门网评人员发表合乎时宜的新闻评论    7
    (四)用网络高手刷屏占据评论版面的方式,吸引网民眼光    7
    三、网易新闻评论在引导舆论方面存在的问题    8
    (一)媒体评论的观点出现偏差,权威性和导向性不足    8
    (二)媒体把关不严,低俗评论虚假信息频现    8
    (三)新闻评论的真实性受质疑    9
    (四)评论的发表权及个人隐私保护问题引起法律纠纷    9
    四、如何正确发挥网络新闻评论的舆论引导作用    9
    (一)网络媒体要遵守职业道德,发挥“把关人”的作用    10
    (二)加强网民的素质教育和实行网络实名制    10
    (三)新闻评论要力求真实,防止舆论导向出现偏差    10
    (四)完善和落实相关法律法规,强化对网络新闻评论的监督    10
    参考文献    11
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