    摘  要:“移动互联网”时代的今天,微博以其独特的传播形式与内容,深受广大青年学生的青睐。本文从高校官方微博的形象建构的微观角度来研究其运营中的发展概况、存在问题以及应对策略。通过对所搜集的20所高校微博的发布内容、受关注程度、发布时段等数据的研究发现,高校官博在传播自身形象时存在管理不善、危机公关意识淡薄等问题,经过分析论证,可以通过“顶层设计”和强化公关等策略加以解决,最终服务于高校的对内服务和对外宣传,这就给其他高校通过官方微博来更好的服务师生、建构自身形象提供一种有益的方法和启示。8044
    An Analysis of the Strategies Colleges Use to Improve Their Image by College Official Microblog
    Abstract: In the era of mobile internet,microblog was well appreciated by the young students because of its special modes of transmission and content. This paper tries to study the general development situation, existing  problems and coping strategies of college official microblog from the micro perspective of their image construction. From the research data of twenty college official microblogs’ content, degree of attention and publishing time, we can draw a conclusion that there existed problems such as poor management and weak consciousness of crisis public relations in college official microblogs when colleges use them to communicate their images. From the analysis and demonstration, the problems of college official microblogs can be solved by the strategies of “top-level design” and “public relations reinforcement”, and eventually serve the internal service and external propaganda of colleges. This provides other colleges a kind of helpful method and inspiration to serve teachers and students better and construct their image by means of college official microblog.
    Key Words: college official microblog;data analysis;image construction;improvement strategy
    目    录

    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、高校官方微博使用的现状分析    2
    (一)高校官方微博发展概述    2
    (二)高校官方微博的内容分析    4
    二、高校官方微博在传播自身形象中存在的问题    7
    (一)定位不准,“重外轻内”    8
    (二)缺乏科学的管理机制    8
    (三)内容形式单一,缺乏吸引力与微博联动    9
    (四)舆论引导不足,危机公关意识淡薄    10
    三、高校运用官方微博提升自身形象的策略    10
     (一) 明确定位策略    11
    (二)“顶层设计”策略,完善管理机制    11
    (三)内容创新策略,主动设置议程    12
    (四)强化公关策略,应对“突发事件”    13
    (五)注重与传统媒体联动,提升品牌“知名度”    14
    四、高校运用官方微博提升自身形象的意义    14
    (一)对内做好服务,增强高校的竞争实力    15
    (二)对外做好宣传,打造高校“品牌价值”    15
    结语    16
    参考文献    16
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