

    毕业论文关键词  网络舆情  高校形象  引导  危机

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  Research on the university image of network public opinion                     


    In the backdrop of China's rapid development of the network of public opinion and social environment of public opinion increasingly complex,

    Colleges and universities as one of the most attention of the community system is also faced with new challenges. In recent years, it comes to college content endless hot events, some of which also caused some negative impact on the reputation and image of the school. Compared with the party and government organs, enterprises and institutions, Colleges and universities do not pay enough attention to the network public opinion, the capacity to respond to Network public opinion is not insufficient . Therefore, the study of the of university images in the network public opinion is very important, only to grasp the characteristics of the current network of public opinion, we can provide new ideas and feasible method for image-building and dissemination of the colleges and universities in the Internet age. University image is formed gradually in the social practice and is manifested through the form of public opinion. In the information age, the image of the construction of higher learning can not be separated network of information dissemination and positive interaction with the public. On the basis of the study will be the network public opinion of the specific analysis of the Construction of the image problems, we will analyze the reasons to put forward countermeasures of building the university images, in order to put forward valuable suggestions for the construction of the College image.

    Keywords  Network public opinion  University image  Guide  Crisis

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    2  网络舆情与高校形象概念解读 1

    2.1  舆论与舆情概念解析 1

    2.2  网络舆情新特点 2

    2.3  网络舆情之于高校形象:机遇与挑战并存 2

    3  宏观分析:网络舆情中的高校形象分析 4

    3.1  网络舆论形成的重要渠道 4

    3.2  高校突发事件中的网络舆论传播 6

    3.3  网络舆情中的高校形象呈现 6

    4  个案分析:复旦大学研究生投毒案的网络舆情与高校形象重构 8

    4.1  回放:网络舆情中的事件始末 9

    4.2  分析:谣言四起中的校方“四”答 9

    4.3  启示:抢占网络舆情先机 进行有效危机公关 12

    5  把握网络舆情阵地 重塑高校优质形象 14

    5.1  推进高校管理方式创新 15

    5.2  完善网络舆情机制建构 15

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