
    摘 要:古典诗词作为中国传统文化最主要的代表之一,在历史发展的进程中一直占据着十分重要的地位,也越来越多地被运用到现代社会的方方面面。在中国广告的发展史中,古典诗词就扮演着十分重要的角色。从古至今,运用古诗词进行广告文案创作的例子不胜枚举,创作形式也愈加多样化。本文从此类广告文案的本质出发,通过案例分析的方法,分析了诗化广告文案产生的原因与作用,归纳出古典诗词应用于广告文案的三种主要形式,即直接引用、移花接木和新作诗词。通过比较进一步指出古典诗词应用于广告文案有缺乏新意、生搬硬套、故作高深和不顾失效等不足。最后总结出广告文案运用古典诗词所应遵循的几点原则,即创新性、忠实性、简洁性、针对性和有效性。本文意在为此类广告文案的有效传达提供一些参考,同时也有助于中国古典诗词的发扬和传承。65654


    Abstract: Chinese classical poetry has been occupying an important position in the process of historical development and is increasingly applied to every aspect of modern society as one of the major representatives of the Chinese traditional culture. In the history of China's advertising, classical poetry plays an important role. Since ancient times,there are many examples of applying classical poetry to the creation of the advertising copy. The forms of creation are more persified. This article starts from the essence of poetic advertisement. Using the method of case analysis, this essay analyzes the reasons and functions of this application and generalizes the three main forms of classical poetry used in poetic advertisement. They are direct quote, substitution and re-creation of poetry. By comparison, this essay further pointed out the disadvantages of poetic advertisement, such as lack of new ideas, applying mechanically, pretending to be profound, regardless of effectiveness and so on. Finally, this article summarized some principles that poetic advertisement should follow. They are innovative, fidelity, simplicity, relevance and effectiveness. This article is intended to provide some references for the effective communication of this kind of advertising copy and help to develop and inherit Chinese classical poetry.

    Keywords: Chinese classical poetry, advertising copy, application

    目  录






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