
    摘 要:随着经济发展和社会文化的进步,城市间的竞争愈加白热化。良好的城市形象在竞争时成为一个越来越重要的因素,它是城市软实力的重要体现。因此,城市形象建设的步伐变得越来越紧凑。而公益广告作为广告家族中与众不同的一员,成为城市塑造优质化形象的有效手段。它成为传递城市实力和活力的有效力量,对城市形象的建设发挥着积极引导作用。本文通过对公益广告的相关领域进行研究,包括公益广告的界定、特点、发布载体、发展历史及现状等;同时针对公益广告对城市形象建设中所产生的作用进行分析;以及针对当前它在城市的形象建设这一过程中面临的困难进行解释,并提出有效的分析和解决方法。目的是希望城市在发展的过程中,利用公益广告这一手段,帮助其在形象上的建设,也使得公益广告在这一过程中得到发展。66990


    Abstract:With the economic development and social and cultural progress, increasingly intense competition between cities. Good image of the city becoming an increasingly important factor in the competition, it is important to reflect the city's soft power. Thus, the pace of construction of the city's image has become more and more compact. he public service advertising as advertising distinctive family member to become an effective means of shaping the quality of the image of the city. It became effective force transmission strength and vitality of the city, the construction of the city's image plays an active role in guiding.Based on the public service ads related research areas, including the definition of public service ads, features, release carrier, development status history class, etc.; At the same time the role of public service ads for the construction of the city's image generated on the analysis; As well as instructions for the plight of public service ads now exist in the construction of the city's image and made effective analysis and countermeasures. Making the process of urban development, with public service ads this opportunity, building the city's image and achieve win-win development on public service ads.

    Key word: Public Service Advertising,City image,Optimization



    目    录

    一、前言   5

    二、文献综述 5

    三、公益广告概述   5

    (一)公益广告界定  6

    (二)公益广告特点  6

    (三)公益广告的宣传范围及发布载体  7

    (四)公益广告的发展过程  7

    四、公益广告与城市形象的关系   8

    五、公益广告对城市形象建设的优化作用   9

    (一)倡导人生观念,发挥传播作用  9

    (二)弘扬传统美德,把握文化导向  9

    (三)彰显艺术魅力,引导审美追求 10

    (四)通过舆论导向,规范社会意识 10

    (五)联系先进典型,示范教育大众 11

    六、公益广告在城市形象建设中的困境与对策  11

    (一)困境 11

    (二)对策 13

    结语  15

    参考文献  16

    致谢  17

    一、 前言

    如今,愈发激烈的城市竞争使得“城市形象”这一概念受到了越来越多的关注。一个城市所展现出来的形象,就像是这个城市的脸面一样,能够让人最为直观地感受到这个城市的发展。通过它,可以真切地感受到城市的活力。而公益广告作为传播社会道德、引导社会公众价值取向、塑造城市形象的有效手段,具有无可比拟的优势。几十年来,公益广告作为一支引导公正价值导向和社会教化功能的宣传教育力量,发挥着塑造与传播文明城市形象的作用 [1]。论文网

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