

    毕业论文关键词:可口可乐 营销策略 本土化

    Abstract: In modern society, the brand is a very important concept in social and economic area. The brand is enterprise’s intangible assets, its influence is often powerful weapon of enterprises to increase market share. The Coca-Cola Company as the world's top multinational enterprises, 

    Its success depends mainly on its localization oriented that all the advertisement plans are focus on the local civilization. The skills help the company achieving the role of the brand strategy and consolidating the core value of the brand. Especially in the new economic situation, the company turned the challenges into opportunities to realize the new development of the enterprise. Through the analysis of the products of Coca-Cola promotion strategy, packaging strategy, power-and-power union and other all-round localization strategy, we can prejudge business opportunities, adjusting their strategy, taking reference steps and conclude some experience for the Chinese enterprises in the future. At the same time, through the study of the Coca-Cola company strategy, we can also see the shortcomings of domestic companies, thinking deeply about the product, the publicity, the service and all aspects of problems in order to take domestic company to emerge in the beverage market.

    Key words: The Coca-Cola  marketing strategy  localization 

    目  录

    一、前言 4

    二、文献综述 5

    (一)可口可乐的全球广告攻略 5

    (二)可口可乐的本土化策略 5

    三、论文研究方法和研究问题 7

    四、营销策略分析 7

    (一)本土化之产品宣传策略 7

    1、春节营销策略 7

    2、体育营销策略 9

    (二)本土化之包装策略 10

    (三)本土化之线上线下策略 11

    (四)本土化之社会公益策略 12

    五、可口可乐的成功经验和启示 14

    (一)跨文化营销势在必行,适时调整策略 14

    (二)以顾客为上帝,寻求品牌归属感 14

    (三)运用网络媒体,充分发挥广告效用 15

    结论 17


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