

    毕业论文关键词:新媒体  时事政治新闻  微博  受众心理

    Abstract: The mankind has already entered the era of big data, the new media is a new media, of the original in the traditional media news in current affairs produce new effects, changing the people to accept the information, rather than just relying on some of the traditional media. Domestic scholars in recent years, important new media phenomena and problems of in-depth academic research and discussion, found to letters and other microblogging social networks as representatives of the media, the dissemination of information basically to the inpidual as the unit, and professional media news have great distinction. This will be a microblogging client to the new media as an example, from its emergence, development and characteristics of three aspects, combination of new media, political news and current affairs and the mass psychology of audience, the link between the three studied. Research on new media of modern political and current affairs news influence, the better new media services to the public.

    Key words: new media, current events, political news, micro-blog, audience psychology


    一、新媒体简介 4

    (一)新媒体的产生、发展、功能以及特点的简介 4

    (二)微博的产生、发展、功能以及特点的简介 5

    二、时事政治新闻区分与其他新闻的显著特征 5

    (一)时事政治与娱乐新闻的差异 5

    (二)时事政治与社会、经济科技新闻的差异 5

    (三)时事政治与体育新闻的差异 6

    三、新媒体对时事政治新闻的影响 6

    (一)积极影响及其归结为大众受众心理的原因 6

    (二)消极影响及其归结为大众受众心理的原因 7

    (三)最大限度避免新媒体消极影响的策略 7

    四、新媒体环境对时事政治新闻实践的影响 8

    (一)新媒体对时事政治新闻写作的影响 8

    (二)新媒体对时事政治新闻评论的影响 8

    (三)新媒体对时事政治新闻采访的影响 9

    (四)新媒体对时事政治新闻报道的影响 9

    (五)新媒体对时事政治新闻编辑制作的影响 9

    五、关于新媒体未来功能发展对时事政治新闻进一步产生的影响 10


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