    关键字  电子商务  云计算  虚拟商务  应用分析
     毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title    Research on “Cloud Computing” in E - Commerce  
    In recent years, e-commerce has penetrated deeply into all areas of our life, from the people’s basic necessities of life to all walks of life, and it becomes a new impetus to economic growth. The development of electronic commerce has brought enormous benefits for the enterprise, but the cost of building e-commerce system is also huge. Many e-commerce companies' bottlenecks in the development have become increasingly prominent because of the limitations of various factors, such as their own size, economic strength, technological power etc. Apply the cloud computing to electronic commerce can effectively resolve a range of issues as shortage of funds, lack of professional and technical personnel, and security problem during the development of e-commerce. With the powerful storage, computing and security functions of “cloud computing”, and the ideal allocation of resources and sharing mode, e-commerce has opened up new areas of development, and brings a new development model. We believe that with the growing maturity of the “cloud computing” technology and the increasingly widespread application, e-commerce will certainly usher in a new peak times.
    Keywords  Cloud computing  E-Commerce  Virtual business  Application analysis
     目   次

    1  引言    1
    2  云计算概述    1
    2.1  云计算的概念    1
    2.2  云计算的特征    2
    2.3  云计算的系统分类    2
    2.4  国内外云计算应用情况分析    3
    3  电子商务发展中存在的瓶颈问题    8
    3.1  成本瓶颈    9
    3.2  安全瓶颈    9
    3.3  技术和人才瓶颈    10
    3.4  系统效率瓶颈    10
    3.5  移动终端瓶颈    10
    4  云计算解决电子商务中瓶颈问题的策略    10
    4.1  降低成本,简化基础设施    11
    4.2  改善企业电子商务应用的安全性    11
    4.3  改善企业电子商务应用的灵活性和专业性    12
    4.4  提升系统效率    12
    4.5  打破移动终端性能瓶颈,提供数据处理能力    13
    5  基于云计算的全新电子商务模式    13
    5.1  虚拟商务    13
    5.2  全程电子商务模式    14
    5.3  移动电子商务模式    15
    5.4  电子商务企业对云计算的选择    16
    5.5  尚待解决的问题    17
    结论    19
    致谢    20
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