    摘  要:针对现在课程改革的要求,笔者以东营市垦利县农村中小学音乐教育为研究对象进行分析,在分析过程中,笔者选用了问卷调查法,随机采访法、数据统计法和逻辑分析法等方式进行综合分析,最终得知在东营市垦利县农村中小学目前的音乐教学情况,教学质量,教学环境,存在着重视不够等弊端,又针对课时不足,师资力量不足,教学模式单一,学校器材设备不足等问题,笔者经过分析,认为可以从转变教学理念,强制落实满课时,重视师资力量的投入和教学器材设备的购买,以及鼓励开创新的教学模式等方式来实现东营市垦利县农村中小学的音乐教学健康发展。35262
    毕业论文关键词:东营市垦利县  农村  中小学  音乐教育  调查
    Investigation and analysis of the present situation of music education in primary and secondary schools in the rural areas of Dongying County of Kenli City
    Abstract: Aiming at the requirements of the curriculum reform, the implementation of rural primary and middle schools, the author selected the music education in rural primary and middle schools in Dongying County of Kenli were analyzed, in the process of analysis, the author adopts the investigation method of the questionnaire, interview, data statistics and logical analysis method, comprehensive analysis, that in rural Kenli County of Dongying City, primary and secondary school music teaching, the quality of teaching, teaching environment, there are not enough attention, the lack of class; the shortage of teachers, teaching mode is single, lack of school facilities and equipment, in order to solve these problems, the author through the analysis, that can be changed from the teaching idea, the implementation of full time compulsory, pay attention to the investment of the teaching staff and teaching equipment purchase, and to encourage innovative teaching mode and other ways to achieve the healthy development of music education in rural areas of Kenli County, Dongying City, primary and secondary schools.
    Keywords: Kenli County of Dongying City In rural areas Primary and secondary schools Music Education The investigation
    序 言    4
    一、研究背景    5
    (一)中小学音乐教育所面对的主要问题    5
    1.硬件设施不完善。    5
    2.音乐课堂教学内容枯燥乏。    5
    3.音乐课得不到重视,课时量得不到保证。    5
    二、研究意义    6
    (一)理论意义    6
    (二)现实意义    6
    1.音乐教育有利于学生形成正确的审美,塑造正确价值观。    6
    2.音乐教育有利于促进同学交流,增强合作意识。    6
    3.音乐教育有利于提高学生的想象力与创造力。    7
    4.音乐教育有利于智力开发。    7
    三、研究对象与方法    8
    (一)研究对象    8
    (二) 研究方法    8
    1、问卷调查法    8
    2、随机采访法    8
    3、数据统计法    8
    4、逻辑分析法    9
    四、调查结果与分析    9
    (一)重视不够,课时不足    10
    (二)师资不足,水平有待提高    10
    (三)教学形式单一,把音乐教学等同于唱歌教学    11
    五、东营市垦利县的农村中小学音乐教育发展及解决方法    13
    (一)观念转变,确立音乐教育在学校教育中的重要地位    13
    (二)增加课时,强化管理模式,严格考评     13
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