    Urban Wetland Park's Plant Landscape Design of Huangtu Jiangyin Abstract:
    Wetland park is a kind of ecological theme park which gather ecological protection, recreational tour, science education etc. In the wetland park, plant is the sole essential factor of landscape design which has the life. Urban wetland park's plant landscape construction, is necessary to take into account the protection of wetlands, but also to meet the requirements on the city park, including recreational, ornamental and education. Urban wetland park's plant landscape to create a theme park landscape design should be based on the status of the original vegetation, combined with the historical, cultural connotation of the site, found that most local characteristics of the plants in the park landscape as a key to building, creating a has the region's unique urban wetland park's plant landscape.Through reviews plant landseape design research urban wetland park course of historical development,pointed out that modern plant design featuresurban wetland park “natural art”,  modern garden art create more landseape and landscape element, all these will artificialization urban wetland park terrain and the surrounding environment and natural seenery and charming landseape harmonious harmony.
    KeyWords: Urban Wetland Park Landscape; Landscape Design; Plant with
    1 引言¬-—6
    1.1  项目研究背景¬¬—6
    1.2  项目研究意义—6
    1.3  指导思想—7
    1.4  课题概述—7
    1.4.1  国内外发展存在的问题7
    1.4.2  湿地及湿地园林存在的问题8
    1.4.3  发展趋势9

    2 植物景观营造10
    2.1植物选择  10

    3 设计理念与目的—13
     3.2.1 调研13
     3.2.2 设计构思13
    3.3 设计目的—14

    4 设计手法与表现—15
    4.1 设计内容—15
    4.2 设计方法—16
    4.3 细部大样设计—21

    5 结束语—23

    6 致谢—24

    7 参考文献—25
    1  引言
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