    关键词:  色彩设计•软装饰•住宅建筑中的应用•协调统一
    Talking About Colors And Soft Furnishings
    In Residential Buildings
    Abstract:In the case of economic conditions are improving day by day, the people of home decoration is no longer the pursuit of luxury and copy the style of the other stores, but have a higher spiritual level requirements, interior design transition from a single space design to color and soft furnishings design,impact on the overall design style. Color combinations and soft furnishings gradually become the focus of the design, often rely on to attract people's attention, can bring a difference in the visual and artistic enjoyment.
    Design is the deal with the question of the relationship of physical, psychological and environmental. The indoor environment is a mirror to reflect the human material and spiritual life, and create a stage. Human nature tends to to treat reality, and in accordance with his own ideas, the desire to transform and adjust. The reality is not always meet their needs and lifestyle of a different era, different requirements on the indoor environment.

    KeyWords:Color design, Soft furnishings, Residential building , Harmonization
    绪 论    1
    一、住宅建筑中色彩设计与软装饰的关系    2
    (一) 色彩的含义    2
    (二) 软装饰的含义    2
    (三) 色彩设计和软装饰的关系    2
    二、住宅建筑室内色彩设计和软装饰的基本要求    3
    (一) 要处理好统一与变化的关系    3
    (二) 要注意体现稳定感和平衡感    4
    (三) 要密切注意民族、地区特点和气候条件    4
    (四) 要注意文化内涵和个性魅力    4
    三、色彩设计和软装饰在住宅建筑室内设计中的作用    4
    (一) 统一对比性    4
    (二) 对称均衡性    5
    (三) 节奏与韵律    5
    四、室内色彩与软装饰的表现    5
    (一) 色彩表现    5
    1、 色彩与空间特性的对比    6
    2、 室内色彩的文化内涵    6
    3、 室内环境色彩的个性    6
    (二)软装饰表现    7
    1、 掌握“黄金比例”    7
    2、 强调主次空间    7
    3、 过度自然不显突兀    7
    4、 “寓多样于统一”“个性张扬”    8
    5、 “轻重”调配稳当    8
    结语    9
    致 谢    9
    参考文献    10绪 论
  1. 上一篇:Artdeco风格在景观绿地设计中的应用与方法研究
  2. 下一篇:河流滨河绿地景观规划设计
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