    关键词:陈列设计  灯光  色彩  整体
    A brief Analysis of the display design of Natural History Exhibition Hall
    Abstract:In the modern display design, we must be people-oriented, and pay attention to people and the environment.The color, the lighting and the overall environment of the display design are particularly important in the exhibition space, especially in the natural history exhibition hall.We can create a strong and unique ambience with the color, the lighting and the overall environment of the display design to infect the audience.
    With its unique artistic charm, it affects people's feelings and ideas, gives viewers stimulation to cause a strong reaction, and leaves a distinctive feel and a strong impression in their minds.
     This paper analyzes the color, the lighting and the overall environment of the display design in the natural history exhibition hall, and the natural history exhibition hall of THE CALL OF THE WHALE which appeals to people to protect the ecology and whales, and not to make any harm to whales to reflect the importance of the color, the lighting and the overall environment of the display design in the natural history exhibition hall.
    Keywords : Display design,  the light ,color,overall
    引言    5
    一、绪论    5
    (一)研究的目的与意义    5
    (二)国内外研究的背景及发展    5
    (三)论文采用的研究方法与手段    6
    二、自然历史类展馆陈列设计中的色彩搭配    6
    (一)陈列设计中色彩搭配的作用    6
      案例一:一大会址纪念馆    6
    (二)陈列设计中色彩的多样性    7
    三、自然历史类展馆陈列设计中的灯光照明    8
    (一)陈列设计中灯光照明的作用    8
    (二)灯光设计的使用    8
      案例二:自然历史类博物馆    9
    四、自然历史类展馆陈列设计中的整体环境    10
    (一)陈列设计中整体环境的作用    10
      案例三:《香港的故事》    10
    五、陈列设计在我的毕业设计“鲸的呼唤”中的表现    11
    (一)设计简述    11
    (二)设计说明    13
    (三)陈列设计在“鲸的呼唤”中的体现    14
    结束语    16
    致谢    17
    参考文献    18
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