    关键词  老龄人口  照护  实用性  人机关系 
    Title    The research and design of elderly care products                                      
    This graduation design is aimed at study of elderly care products and design. In the full understanding of the history of this kind of product, the status quo, problems and development trend, further improvement is to choose one of the products to design. In considering the particularity of the aged population , design products to solve some existing problems, strengthen the practicality and optimize the structure and appearance of the product, meeting the corresponding emotional needs of the user, which under the background of aging society in order to play a more important function. Through the research on the topic the understanding of methods and procedures of application of design is improved.At the same time, through the design, mainly explored the influence on the product design   by the target population's special features and the importance of man-machine relationship, also enhances the ability of combining theory and practice of design and understanding of the people-oriented design concept.
    Keywords  Aged population  Care  Practical  Man-machine relationship 
      目   次 
    1  引言(或绪论) 1
    1.1  课题简介   1
    1.2  设计目标   1
    1. 3  选题背景   1
    1.4  选题意义    1
    1.5  国内外现状    2
    1.6  课题的发展前景    2
    2  产品分析与研究    2
    2.1  从产品到群体的设计分析    2
    2.2  产品选择    4
    2.3  现有产品分析    4
    3  设计方案阐述    6
    3.1  前期草图    6
    3.2  设计方向    8
    3.3  造型设计    8
    3.4  结构设计    10
    3.5  色彩选择    12
    3.6  人机关系分析    12
    3.7  模型制作    13
    4  设计感想    14
    结论   15
    致谢   16
    参考文献    17
    1  引言
    1.1  课题简介
    1.2  设计目标
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