    历史的车轮滚滚前进从不停歇,无论伟大的汉唐还是转瞬的五国时代留下的都只是一页页篇章。幸而有实物遗存供我们瞻仰,特别建筑或是景观空间可以身临其境的体会那时的遗风古韵。现在有仁人志士呼吁对历史和生态应有的尊重,至少我们可以说我们的是受这片美丽土地的滋养和孕育。作为设计的初学者,这次的设计的是一片民国的遗留地,秉着最少改动最大保护的理念,进行整理和改善。 21826
    关键词  景观设计  历史遗产  生态景观  文化与保护
    Title    In the city the memory of the bud         
    —— Transformation of the landscape design
    In Scenic Area   
    Steel and structures increase rapidly, hard surfacing throughout the city every corner, European style decorations and materials can be seen everywhere, every city has the obviously something that their vigor and keep pace with the times. The environment is destroyed digging reclamation thing everywhere, we are being forced to see the strange future, the memories of the road and an oasis in the heart which was ignored and trampled.
    Push forward the wheel of history never stop, no matter the great Tang times five fleeting left only a page of text. Fortunately, there remains for us on, especially construction or experience of landscape space can be personally on the scene when the legacy of ancient. There are men and women with high ideals of respect for history and ecology due, at least we can say we are affected by this beautiful land to nourish and nurture. As the design for beginners, this design is the legacy of a Republic of China, with the least change the maximum protection concept, reorganize and improve.
    Keywords  Landscape design  Historical heritage  Ecological landscape  
    Culture and protection
    目   次
    1 引言 2
    1.1项目背景研究  2
    2 案例分析:城市中的记忆之芽---民国风貌区景观计 3
    2.1. 基地区位   3
    2.2 历史背景  3
    2..3资料收集 4
    2.4 基地现状  5
    2.5 空间分层分析    6
    2.6设计定位  6
    2.7设计理念  8
    2.9空间分析  9
    2.10 交通流线分析  10
    2.11植被分析   10
    3  项目施工场  21
    结论 22
    致谢 23
    参考文献 24
    1 引言
    1.1 项目背景研究
    随着社会的发展和进步,随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对认识新事物和追求所谓国际化的事物的需求逐步提高。在生产和科技飞速发展的今天,人们已经没有耐心去信心品和挖掘深处的内层含义,于是那些所谓的文化,所谓的新奇事物,大都是肤浅的外表的模仿。人们没耐心体先人遗留破旧事物的美好内涵, 在历史文化遗产的保护与城市发展的冲突中,为了追求所谓的政绩被牺牲的的往往是前者。(如图1.1) 
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