    Experienced mode used in the interior design of independent bookstores
    Abstract:  The meaning of independent book store existed.Surrounded by a thick fragrance in the bookshop is the most comfortable thing in the world. In the pile of books full of surprise to find the love of books , is that nothing can be compared to satisfy . Bookstore carries different people in different ideological and geographical , builds a bridge between the world. Therefore independent bookstore space as a special cultural space that exists deserves more attention interior designer .Gradually,independent bookstore closed.,which led to community concerns about the business issues for the independent book .The relations between well-developed network and electronic products,and then people's reading habits have changed gradually , the paper research that how to create a bookstore to attract the reader`s attention return to experience and consumer activities. To create a scholarly atmosphere of the environment , for the reader's emotions and the desire to buy plays a positive impact. " Experience design " concept came into being . So the term has gradually been known , the reader in a bookstore space " experience" of reading and the process of buying a multi-level , so the bookstore interior design to meet the current demand for environmental bookstore , bookstores space partitioning , furnishings , design of morphological persification ways to bring the reader experience . Not simply create commercial space , to consider cultural atmosphere that will go to the bookstore to buy books to read entity as a fashion and lifestyle.
    Keywords: Cultural environment ,Experience design ,Emotional interaction
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ⅱ
    1  绪论    5
      1.1论文研究的目的与意义    5
      1.2国内外研究的背景及发展情况    5
    1.2.1国内背景及发展情况    5
    1.2.2国外背景及发展情况    5
    1.3论文采用的研究方法与手段    5
    2  独立书店中体验设计的运用    6
    2.1什么是体验设计    6
    2.2独立书店空间的读者体验感受    6
    2.3独立书店设计与读者的交互性    7
    2.4独立书店设计给读者的带来的情感    7
    2.4独立书店设计给读者的带来的情感    7
    3  书店的空间功能布局    8
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