    毕业论文关键词:3dMAX; Unity; 漫游; 交互;
    Restaurant Design and Roaming based on unity3d
    Abstract:     This subject mainly studies the use of 3dMAX to design a restaurant model, and realize the roaming on the basis of Unity.This paper focuses on the purpose and significance of this topic, research status and methods are discussed, and specific production process, subsequent modifications and experience.In the graduation design, we mainly have to solve the following three problems: one is the model design and the effect of the whole, two is to import the Unity. Three is how to realize the interactive roaming.In the whole design, model making is not difficult, mainly for the model design, namely how to construct an my own restaurant;Secondly, the "decoration ", that the materials and textures and lighting effects of the restaurant, is a priority , which will directly affect the whole restaurant effect;The most difficult part is how to realize the interactive, it means that users have a good experience and I can realize it at the same time.Through this graduation design, I have a comprehensive use of the software that I have studied during the University , and have a certain understanding of the interactive parts, through access to different information, I found that my own insights improved.
    Keywords:     3dMAX;  Unity;  roaming;  interaction ;
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题的目的与意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.3 发展趋势    2
    1.4 研究方法    3
    1.5 论文结构    4
    2 相关理论概述    6
    2.1 本课题的基本内容    6
    2.2 对于场景的设想    6
    2.3 拟使用的方法、工具    7
    2.3.1 文献查找    7
    2.3.2 模型制作    7
    2.3.3 材质贴图灯光制作    8
    2.3.4 脚本编写    8
    2.3.5 选择的工具    8
    2.4 脚本的研究    8
    3 分析    10
    3.1 可能遇到的问题    10
    3.1.1 本课题的重点    10
    3.1.2 本课题的难点    10
    3.2 解决问题的方法    11
    3.2.1 前期准备    11
    3.2.2 制作方面    11
    3.3 当前主要技术分析    11
    4 制作过程    13
    4.1 模型详细制作过程    13
    4.1.1 整体框架的设计    13
    4.1.2 内部模型设计    14
    4.2 材质与贴图等的效果制作    15
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