    摘要:基于Flash的少儿英语学习系统,旨在开发一款基于Flash的英语学习系统,目标受众为3-12岁的儿童。该系统将集英语学习和对英美文化的了解于一体,让儿童充分了解英语语言本身、融入语言环境,真正学好英语。通过前期的大量素材准备(包括:图片、音频、视频等),使用Flash CS5和Photoshop CS5工具,通过反复地测试最终完成了系统制作。
    毕业论文关键词:    FLASH;少儿英语;交互性设计
    The children’s English Learning System Based on Flash
    The children’s English Learning System Based on Flash ,to develop an English learning system based on flash skill. the target audience is children in 3-12 years of age, The system will be set in English learning and understanding of the Anglo-American culture in one, so that children fully understand the English language itself, into the language environment, learn English well. A lot of material prepared by the early (including: images, audio, video, etc.), Making the final completion of the system by Flash CS5 and Photoshop CS5.
    The learning system from the following aspects: a systematic, practical, to learning, training focused; from nurturing children basic English language skills and language sense to start to develop students' English language thinking ability; let children build English language learning self-confidence and sense of honor; set English proficiency and ability in one examination.
    Keywords:    FLASH; The children English; Interactive Design
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题研究背景和目的    1
    1.1.1    课题目的和意义    1
    1.1.2    课题特点    2
    1.2    国内外研究现状、水平及发展趋势    2
    1.2.1    国内外研究现状和水平    2
    1.2.2    发展趋势    3
    2    需求分析    5
    2.1    课题要求    5
    2.2    可行性分析    5
    2.3    需求分析    6
    2.4    系统功能    7
    3    课题设计    8
    3.1    设计思路    8
    3.2    设计流程    9
    4    设计过程    10
    4.1    前期准备    10
    4.2    主要内容    11
    4.2.1    系统主界面    11
    4.2.2    系统设计步骤    13
    5    总结    23
    致谢    24
    参考文献    25
     1    绪论
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