    摘要:    论文首先分析了flash网站的背景、发展以及其现状,简单介绍了餐饮公司网站的概念及主要特色,然后再对flash网站的定位以及表现形式和内容进行分析,从而开始了对flash网站的设计与制作。结合课题的具体情况,结合餐饮公司的特点和特色开始制作flash网站。餐饮公司flash网站的设计包括整体的架构、整体的风格设计、菜单导航、跳转以及内容的动画、音乐的添加、代码的编程,功能实现等部分。具体来说,本文介绍了开发此网站需要的工具及开发环境,以及选择这些开发工具的原因同时还介绍了所需要的代码语言,如ActionScript,部分PHP语言等。接着对餐饮公司网站做初步的需求分析,并且讨论了网站的可行性,其中包括经济可行性、技术可行性和运营可行性三个方面。并对网站的功能和模块做了介绍。再接着介绍餐饮公司网站的总体设计,包括网站的整体风格,从网站结构、版式布局、色彩构成和视觉元素四个方面介绍。同时对网页模块设计从交互设计、导航设计、UI设计、页面设计和功能设计等方面做了阐述。最后对全文进行总结,并对下一步的研究工作进行展望本flash网站的设计运用。24493
    毕业论文关键词:    Flash;ActionScript;网页设计;动画;
    Overall planning and design of the interface catering company website
    Thesis analyzes the background of the development as well as its status quo flash website, simply introduces the concept and main features of the site catering company, and then to locate the site and flash presentation and content analysis, which began a flash website design and production. Combined with the specific circumstances of the subject, combined with the characteristics and features catering company began making flash website. Catering company flash website design including the overall architecture, the overall style of design, menu navigation, and content jump animation, music, adding, programming code, and some other functions to achieve. Specifically, the article describes the reasons for the development of this site requires tools and development environment, as well as select these development tools also introduces the need to code languages such as ActionScript, part of the PHP language. Then the catering company website needs to do a preliminary analysis, and discuss the feasibility of the site, including economic feasibility, technical feasibility and operational feasibility of three areas. And site features and modules introduced. Then again catering company website describes the overall design, including the overall style of the site, site structure from four aspects, layout layout, color composition and visual elements introduced. While the web module design from interaction design, navigation design, UI design, page design and other aspects of design and function are described in detail. Finally, the full text summary of the research work carried out and the next prospect to use the flash website design.
    Keywords:    Flash; ActionScript;  Webpage design;  Animation;
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    前言    1
    1.1.1    网站设计的意义    1
    1.1.2    国内外研究现状与水平    2
    1.1.3    发展趋势    2
    1.1.4    调研情况    3
    1.2    餐饮公司网站概述    3
    1.3    餐饮公司网站开发计划    3
    2    网站开发环境    5
    2.1    网页设计语言概述    5
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