    关键词  室内设计、空间、情感
    Title    T80 International Ecological Science And Technology Park Service Centers Indoor Design                                                                     
    In the efficient growth of China's economy, the high-rise buildings going up, resulting in the city's historical sites have been severely damaged. Most of those people for historical and cultural connotation of only superficial understanding, which requires the designer by means of design and strong government support, for historical and cultural heritage be protected and exploited.
    Nowadays, people gradually move to the pace of a well-off society. A qualitative change in their lives, so that the development of service industries rose to a new height. Expanding populations engaged in commercial activities, which will design office environment introduces a new direction of development in the demand for services. Limited modern office space to give a comprehensive office malls, finance, catering and entertainment, and other services to provide temporary exchange place. This promotes the development of modern integrated service center.
    In this paper, T80 international ecological science and technology park service centers interior design case study. From the perspective of the protection of historical and cultural heritage of the cut, based on the history and modernity, culture and ecology of philosophy to a modern integrated office space to mention entertainment, green ecological office environment.
    Keywords  Interior design, space, emotion
    目   次
    1  引言 1
    1.1  项目研究的背景 1
    1.2  项目研究的目的及意义 1
    1.3  项目研究的内容及方法 2
    2  综合服务中心室内设计概述 5
    2.1  综合服务中心室内设计现状及问题  5
    2.2  综合服务中心室内设计发展趋势 6
    3  案例分析:T80国际生态科技园综合服务中心室内设计 7
    3.1  园区区位分析7
    3.2  园区外部环境分析7
    3.3  园区内现状分析7
    3.4  园区内空间和交通流线分析8
    3.5  园区历史背景8
    3.6  前期调研分析9
    3.7  综合服务中心现状分析9
    3.8  综合服务中心交通流线分析11
    3.9  综合服务中心空间功能分析11
    3.10  综合服务设计定位与原则12
    3.11  综合服务中心总平面布局图13
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