
    摘要:随着我国经济的快速发展,对于城市中人行天桥的景观设计要求越来越高,不仅要满足于人行天桥的基本功能,而且还要将本土文化相结合,使其成为城市规划中一个亮点。因此人行天桥设计要本着“以人为本”的设计原则,结合大量工程实例,总结其中的优点所在, 在满足人行天桥的基本功能的同时,也使得天桥本身具有很高的审美价值。48112




    The research and discussion of landscape footbridge

    Abstract:With the rapid development of Chinese economy, urban landscape design human Footbridge increasingly demanding, not only to meet the basic functions of pedestrian bridges, but also to blend with the surrounding environment, let it become a landscape of the city. So footbridge design must be based on "people-oriented" design principle, combined with a large number of engineering practice, summed up one of the advantages of location, to meet the footbridge basic functions, but also makes the bridge itself has a high aesthetic value. Into the aesthetic styling footbridge, urban landscape considerably, city footbridge landscape features how to embody.

    This paper studies the number of potential function of urban landscape pedestrian overpass, and explore how to create a rich environment designed pedestrian bridge functionality. Then, the structure of the selection from the footbridge landscape, decoration and lighting color design and other aspects to explore the city footbridge landscape design. And, through a number of outstanding domestic and foreign cases to illustrate some of the concepts of urban landscape planning and design of the pedestrian bridge. Finally, based on the Shanghai Urban Landscape Footbridge research, analyzes current situation of the urban landscape Footbridge and problems, and make the prospects for the future.

    Keywords: Landscape footbridge,, People-oriented, Coordination


    1  绪论 - 4 -

    1.1  研究目的 - 4 -

    1.2  研究方法及途径 - 4 -

    1.3  研究范围 - 4 -

    2  景观天桥的功能 - 4 -

    2.1  景观人行天桥的功能分类 - 4 -

    2.2  景观人行天桥的功能设计 - 6 -

    3  景观人行天桥的设计 - 7 -

    3.1  结构形式 - 7 -

    3.1.1  主体结构造型 - 7 -

    3.1.2  桥梯形式 - 9 -

    3.1.3  顶盖形式

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