


    Abstract:Sculpture can be a multi element of art, it has many kinds of subject matter, there are many kinds of processing materials, but, as the field of bicycle sculpture, the use of metal materials is a necessity and particularity of it. All know, metal works of art, is used gold, silver, copper, iron, tin and other metal materials, or metal materials supplemented by other materials, processing and production of Arts and crafts. A heavy, powerful, luxurious, elegant, fine style. Our famous ancient Chinese metal crafts of Shang Dynasty bronzes, the Warring States of gold and silver on the wrong, the Tang Dynasty bronze mirror and jewelry, the Ming Dynasty Xuande furnace, the Qing Dynasty cloisonne. Metal materials are often used to express aesthetic ideas, to show the visual image of the media, from the strict sense, the majority of the world's sculpture, are reflected by the metal materials. I studied metal art curriculum in the school, so the combined with metal and cycling as a research topic, add some style in the metal on the bike, such as the traditional style, the mechanical type style, but with the addition of combination of people and cars and different gestures, set in certain places, can make a series of works style is more prominent.

    Key words: Bicycle,Sports,metal art

     目    录

    摘    要 2

    一、引    言 3

    二、选题来源 4

    三、研究目的 4

    四、设计过程 5

    五、创意说明 7

    六、创作过程 7

    总    结 10

    参考文献 10

    致    谢 11


    一、引  言



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