



    The application of point and line and block surface in oil painting

    Abstract Oil painting is a form of paintings are important, popular favor, with very strong expressive force, often with reduction of high realistic effect to its unique appeal and expressive, however intoxicated in painting, which brought the sensual art at the same time, comprehensive point of view, simply leave the base elements of the composition - point, line and plane. We appreciate the work often easy to neglect a major identity is the point, line and plane, point, line and plane is a picture of what the fundamental key elements, point, line and plane is often the carrier of the whole painting theme expression and emotional catharsis.

    Thesis aims to explore the paintings of point, line and plane, in-depth analysis of the in shaping the overall style and expression of emotion work application, from painting point, line and plane all kinds of expression way to appreciate or graceful and melodious rhythm and beauty of form. To create more practical significance in the future. Based on oil painting point, line and plane showing different styles of expression of draw insights, combined with my graduation creation inspiration, analogy and example demonstration way around this argument are discussed. Analyzing the application of point, line and plane in the oil painting, the expression of point, line and plane into pieces, breakthrough picture stable equilibrium, by point, line and plane interspersed screen de novo creation of segmentation, arrived at the picture novel the same, combining elements of Chinese ink painting, mainly in blue gray, purple and gray colors, created a three side products.

    Key Words:  Oil painting creation;  artistic style;  expression of feelings;  constitute

    目  录













     一 点线面的性质及表现形式



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