



    The expression of color in the culture products

    Abstract :   In general,the perception of color is the most intense, and then the image and profile when people’s vision is in the perception. Therefore, for VI design, the importance of color is transparent. And the correct use of color porperty can create a strong visual expression and unique artistic effect. Moreover, the color of VI design should be both coordinate and contrast. Coordination and contrast go together. Too much harmonious color application will cause the dull picture and no bright spot. Too much contrast color makes the screen lack primary and secondary.

      In this paper, color language in the application of VI design has been analyzed profoundly. Thus it can reinforce the ability of color design, enhance the understanding of color property, and grasp the color of cold and warm, light and heavy, front and back, feelings and coordination and contrast. In the same time, it focuses on the application of color combination in VI design. Therefore, I can make the use of color design in the final project.

    Key Words:  color expression;culture products;VI design

    摘要 1

    Abstract 1

    第一章 概述 3

    1.1 研究背景以及研究目的....................................... 3

    1.2 研究内容................................................... 3

    1.3 研究方法与手段............................................. 5

    1.4 研究思路................................................... 5

    第二章 文化产品市场上的色彩现状 5

    2.1市场上常见的文创品牌分析 5

    2.2市场上的色彩风格 5

    2.3使用者调研与需求分析 6

    第三章 毕业设计说明 6

    3.1 设计构思 6

    3.2 标志设计释义 7

    3.3 图形设计 7

    3.4 包装设计

    第四章 总结 10

    4.1全文总结 10

    致谢 11

    参考文献 11


    1.1 研究背景



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